How to Handle Social Visits During Postpartum

Having unplanned visits when you are at your weakest could be bothersome, but how can we deal with them?

How to handle social visits during postpartum

In this world where coronavirus is present, we as parents tend to worry about letting our guard down and our children contracting the virus. Even without the presence of coronavirus, there are bound to be social visits from fellow family members and friends who are excited to see the baby on their first day on earth at the hospital or at home.

Having Visits from the In-Laws and Extended Family Members

Being their first grandchild, undeniably they are equally as excited to meet the baby as you are. As a new and young family, this is your initiation week into parenthood with a newborn, requiring communication and mutual understanding from your partner. It is best our new mama voice out beforehand about having visits from the family during the first few weeks of postpartum.

Regardless of how well your relationship was with your in-laws pre-baby, having a baby will bring out the maternal side of you, worried about how others will handle your baby. In the event that you are in the midst of your postpartum recovery and your in-laws are over out of the blue, have a quick talk with your partner before you possibly go into postpartum rage. Having no energy to play host during the first month, it is important for you to be nice but firm when reminding them that the mama needs rest when the baby sleeps, which is very unpredictable for a newborn. Having a heads up when they would like to visit will be appreciated and hopefully, they will understand. If needed, try saying “We know you would want to stop by but please let us know a day earlier or two, in case the baby and I slept through your visit”.

If it was a planned visit, remember to have them sanitise their hands before touching the baby, especially in this trying period with coronavirus lingering around. If possible, try to keep the visit within an hour in order for you to have ample rest, breastfeeding time without awkward glances and recovery time for your social energy.

You are the mama and you have a say in having visitors over, do not feel guilty about saying no if you are not comfortable about rejecting others. For the papas out there, talk it out with your spouse and support her decisions when it comes to postpartum recovery. Ultimately, communication is what matters in a family.

Having Visits from Friends

Undeniably, there are mamas who crave social interactions when after their baby is born and would not mind having friends over during their confinement period, amidst the busy nights and interrupted rests. Even though having some human interaction is good for one’s well being, mamas might want to have a postpartum visit schedule for people who are excited to meet the baby and your rest will not be compromised. More importantly, be vocal towards your friends and we are sure that they will understand.

Visiting Local Healthcare Services

With coronavirus around, local healthcare services are operating with caution for the safety of others. Commonly for Singaporean families, newborns are required to have their childhood immunizations during the first month after their birth, visiting the local polyclinics for their respective jabs. Similarly for pediatric clinics, social distancing will be required and for common illnesses like flu or allergies, your pediatrician may have teleconsultation services available as an alternative.

Be Comfortable with Your Decisions

Different mamas may have a different policy on postpartum social visits, which there is no right or wrong. Postpartum social anxiety could be an issue for some, whereas others could be craving for social interactions postpartum to stay sane. Ultimately mamas, communicate with your partner and do not feel guilty about rejecting others and put yourself first.




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